Marjane Satrapi
Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum
Monday, December 5, 2011
Journal #1

Red is the soft touch you feel when your beloved touches your hand.
You do not only see
Red, you feel it and when you accomplish this, you can as well, see the magnificent spectrum of life. You feel the warmness of the souls colors and become one.
Red is also inside us. It is not only the color of the warm blood falling through your hands as you accidentaly cut yourself with a knife while trying to make dinner, Red is the color of an emotion. But it also depends on your emotion you desire to give Red. It can be the love you feel, the anxiety that begins to eat you slowly from the inside out, or the peace your find in an accomplishment you made.
Red is how you make it. Red is how YOU feel because RED are your feelings and thoughts.

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